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What are different between HTTP and HTTPS ?(http Vs https)


What are different between HTTP and HTTPS

What are different between HTTP and HTTPS? Also, why is HTTPS important to us? What are the benefit of using HTTPS? What is the history about those, If you have these questions then this blog post is more relevant to you.

Because of this corona epidemic, many people are unable to physically meet each other. Online connectivity and online transactions are on the rise these days. As a result, many people make connections online and share photos, videos, personal information as well as bank information. So as an internet user you should pay more attention to the security of a website and be well aware of the bugs in them. We always recommend HTTPS. Because, if you use HTTPS, you can get number of benefits from this. That includes improved efficiency, increased protection, and even SEO benefits. It may be time for you to go to HTTPS.

We can easily see the difference between https and http in the image below.
Why is HTTPS important?
What are different between HTTP and HTTPS? 

This is basic knowledge of difference between HTTP and HTTPS. Let us now study these in depth.


HTTP  is a networking protocol and stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. It allows access to resources such as HTML documents. The HTTP protocol is the basis of worldwide web data communication  it is a client-server protocol. It ensures the demands are made by the receiver. Simply put, it is a protocol used by a client and server  to communicate with other websites. It like web browser. Here the document is designed upon request by the client. There the server recreates the document from graphic, videos, image and more. The document here is designed at the request of the client. There the client recreates the document graphics, videos, images and more.

How does a web server and https work?
How to work HTTP 

What is an HTTP request and response?

Communication between clients and servers takes place through requests and responses. This is mainly done through a web browser. Web browsers are always the starting point of the request and it is never the server. For example, if someone searches for "dtk2golble.com" on Google, the relevant Blogger page will show up in the search results. His browser generates and sends a series of HTTP requests to get the data needed for that page. 
What is an HTTP request and response?
HTTP request and response

HTTP request and response Circle

  1. A customer (a browser) sends an HTTP request to the database server.
  2. The request is received by a web server.
  3. To process the submission, the server launches an application.
  4. The server sends the browser an HTTP response (output).
  5. The response is received by the customer (a browser)

The HTTP Request & response Circle

The HTTP Request and response Circle
The HTTP Request & response Circle


This means Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). What has really happened here is the need to improve the security of the web protocol with the advancement of technology. That is an advanced version of http. Mainly, HTTP connect with the Secure Socket Layer (SSL)/Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol. TLS is an authentication and encryption tool that works between client web browsers and web servers. SSL operates by encrypting data provided over an SSL link using a public key.

Now we study more about how TLS and SSL works. TLS uses public key encryption technology. There Two keys are used and they are named as public key and private key. the public key is shared with client devices via the server's SSL certificate. To function, all TLS certificates need a private key. The private key is a special file that is used to encrypt and decrypt data transmitted between the server and communicating clients. When a client connects to a web browser, both computers settle on new keys, called session keys, to encrypt future messages using both public and private keys. 

This is called the 'Hypertext Transfer Protocol'. This is called the ‘Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure’. The security of the protocol is represented by the letter "s" at the end.
The HTTP protocol is the basis of worldwide web data communication it is a client-server protocol. HTTPS is an advanced version of HTTP that works with added security.
This uses "http: //" before the domain name. This uses "https: //" before the domain name.

Enables HTTP in the application layer

Enable HTTPS in the transport layer.

HTTP is best suited for websites that are designed to consume information, such as a personal blog.

HTTPS is important for websites that provide or receive personal information, such as credit / debit card details and personal information.

HTTP does not support search engine optimization.

HTTPS support search engine optimization.

Websites with HTTP are faster.

In HTTPS, redirection and data encryption slow down the website speed. But, for smartphone and tablet users, you can speed up websites by using fast mobile pages (AMP) with HTTPS.

HTTP does not require authentication to verify the identity of websites.

HTTPS websites require SSL certificates to authenticate websites.

It operates at TCP and IP levels.

It runs over HTTP but uses TLS / SSL encryption.

If you have any different idea please leave a comment below and we can discuss it.

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